Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Peanut!
If you loved "Achmed the Dead Terrorist" you will fall in love with Peanut!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Seeking Assistance....
Chris and I are looking for a new computer... possibly two. He really wants a laptop and I can go either way. I really want to know what you use and are you happy or do you have a preference? I can get a discount through my school on Dells but are they really all that?
Also... I need to really organize my life. I now know that I am NOT Wonder woman and can not do everything. Katie and Jeff have their chores and for the most part they do real well at keeping it up.
However I still feel incomplete as far as the house STAYING clean. I thought that maybe I should do a little bit everyday but I am finding myself so damn tired by the time I walk in the door. What do y'all do to organize and maintain a functioning household?
I still have to have time with my school work and of course some time set aside with my family. We still do the family dinner thing which for the most part is how we stay close. I do not want to give Jeff any additional chores because he works his butt off and maintains his grades at school. I want him to have a life outside of the home. Katie on the other hand is getting older and although she does set and clear the dinner dishes I was contemplating having her load the dishwasher also. Which means she would be rinsing the dishes as well. She is 8 years old. You think she would be ready to take that on?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks...
Also... I need to really organize my life. I now know that I am NOT Wonder woman and can not do everything. Katie and Jeff have their chores and for the most part they do real well at keeping it up.
However I still feel incomplete as far as the house STAYING clean. I thought that maybe I should do a little bit everyday but I am finding myself so damn tired by the time I walk in the door. What do y'all do to organize and maintain a functioning household?
I still have to have time with my school work and of course some time set aside with my family. We still do the family dinner thing which for the most part is how we stay close. I do not want to give Jeff any additional chores because he works his butt off and maintains his grades at school. I want him to have a life outside of the home. Katie on the other hand is getting older and although she does set and clear the dinner dishes I was contemplating having her load the dishwasher also. Which means she would be rinsing the dishes as well. She is 8 years old. You think she would be ready to take that on?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Mundane but fruitful...
Ok.. So I am not the best blogger in the world. I have neglected my duty to keep you posted on my horrendous life.
So... where do I begin?
Friday - We had our Christmas Party at my work. The Boss and his wife were very generous with the employees and our children. Both Jeff and Katie won at the raffle and received cool gifts along with getting $20.oo gift cards from Target. Chris won a Santa decoration for being a good and understanding "wife". This was a raffle for all the spouses and his name was included in the wives appreciation gift. I am still calling him my bitch..haha... I got $100.oo for my bonus. It's better than ZERO haha...
Saturday - Cleaning, shopping and school work. Nothing of great importance except I did it all with one big fat MIGRAINE from hell..
Sunday - More shopping and laundry. I even took a nap.. Me and my lazy self.
So... where do I begin?
Friday - We had our Christmas Party at my work. The Boss and his wife were very generous with the employees and our children. Both Jeff and Katie won at the raffle and received cool gifts along with getting $20.oo gift cards from Target. Chris won a Santa decoration for being a good and understanding "wife". This was a raffle for all the spouses and his name was included in the wives appreciation gift. I am still calling him my bitch..haha... I got $100.oo for my bonus. It's better than ZERO haha...
Saturday - Cleaning, shopping and school work. Nothing of great importance except I did it all with one big fat MIGRAINE from hell..
Sunday - More shopping and laundry. I even took a nap.. Me and my lazy self.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Not in the Holiday Mood....
I don't know why but it sure doesn't feel like a holiday is around the corner. Just not in the celebrating mood and it bothers me a little.
Chris and Katie put up the tree yesterday. All that is left to do is hang the ornaments which Katie will help me with.
The pups were watching with the most interested expressions on their cute little faces. I think Bentley has the idea that this is going to be his very own pissing tree.. so.. we will have to keep on eye on him.
Santa Paws is going to be very generous to the animals in our household. Bear, Katie's hamster, has already received his Christmas present early. He got a bigger cage. He is no ordinary hamster. He is slightly smaller than a Guinea Pig and he wasn't fitting into his tunnels all that well. He is a big boy.
I am looking forward to having a few weeks off from the hustle and bustle of school. I have been spending so much time with school that my family wonders if I even remember who they are. haha... No really.. it's a lot easier than I imagined but then again the classes that I am taking are fairly easy. Introduction to Business and Academic Strategies for the Business Professional. Next semester will be College Composition 1 and Marketing. I can't describe in words how excited I am to be doing this. I feel like I am making a positive step forward. I just hope I can maintain the commitment and finish all 3.5 years of this. OY!!!!
Chris and Katie put up the tree yesterday. All that is left to do is hang the ornaments which Katie will help me with.
The pups were watching with the most interested expressions on their cute little faces. I think Bentley has the idea that this is going to be his very own pissing tree.. so.. we will have to keep on eye on him.
Santa Paws is going to be very generous to the animals in our household. Bear, Katie's hamster, has already received his Christmas present early. He got a bigger cage. He is no ordinary hamster. He is slightly smaller than a Guinea Pig and he wasn't fitting into his tunnels all that well. He is a big boy.
I am looking forward to having a few weeks off from the hustle and bustle of school. I have been spending so much time with school that my family wonders if I even remember who they are. haha... No really.. it's a lot easier than I imagined but then again the classes that I am taking are fairly easy. Introduction to Business and Academic Strategies for the Business Professional. Next semester will be College Composition 1 and Marketing. I can't describe in words how excited I am to be doing this. I feel like I am making a positive step forward. I just hope I can maintain the commitment and finish all 3.5 years of this. OY!!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
She's Alive!!!!
I do apologize for my absence. School has pretty much eaten any spare time that I have had and the assignments are getting more involved. It's now just starting to ease of off because Christmas break is around the corner. I just thought I would give some updates:
Jeff's ankle is healing slowly but surely. He is off crutches completely. He is still sporting an ace bandage and is walking slow but he is walking.
We are finally getting busy at work. Overtime is mandatory and that is just fine with me... more money in my pocket..
Chris' Employer had a Christmas party on Saturday and he was given a Christmas bonus.. So that helps out with the shopping.
All of the mice that we have had for snake food are now gone. No more cleaning stinky cages!!!
If anyone would like a Christmas card.. Please send me an email: mnetsrek@yahoo.com so that I can get one out to you asap!!!
Jeff's ankle is healing slowly but surely. He is off crutches completely. He is still sporting an ace bandage and is walking slow but he is walking.
We are finally getting busy at work. Overtime is mandatory and that is just fine with me... more money in my pocket..
Chris' Employer had a Christmas party on Saturday and he was given a Christmas bonus.. So that helps out with the shopping.
All of the mice that we have had for snake food are now gone. No more cleaning stinky cages!!!
If anyone would like a Christmas card.. Please send me an email: mnetsrek@yahoo.com so that I can get one out to you asap!!!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Mmmmm Tequila Cookies
1 cup of dark brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 cup of granulated sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups of dried fruit, such as dried cranberries or raisins
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila (silver or gold, as desired)-
Sample the Cuervo to check quality.Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup.... just in case.Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit,Pick the frigging fruit off floor... Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.- Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.Check the Jose Cuervo.Now shift the lemon juice and strain the nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.Don't forget to beat off the turner.Finally, throw the bowl through the window, FINISH the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
1 cup of dark brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 cup of granulated sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups of dried fruit, such as dried cranberries or raisins
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila (silver or gold, as desired)-
Sample the Cuervo to check quality.Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup.... just in case.Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit,Pick the frigging fruit off floor... Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.- Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.Check the Jose Cuervo.Now shift the lemon juice and strain the nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.Don't forget to beat off the turner.Finally, throw the bowl through the window, FINISH the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
All is well...
I didn't post the previous to make any one look bad. I just needed to vent because I was hurt. Everything is fine now and yesterday I had a pretty good day.
I didn't cook or clean. We did go to Wal Mart for some much needed necessities and I was surprised with the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and Sims 2 for PC. I am a total Sims Addict. That is the only game I will play. Nothing else captures my interest. Of course everyone else in the family likes to play it too. I guess it's a good thing we have two computers;)
Thank you so much for those of you that wished my a Happy Birthday. Belated or not it made me feel better. I am just so happy to have Blogger Friends like you:)
I didn't cook or clean. We did go to Wal Mart for some much needed necessities and I was surprised with the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and Sims 2 for PC. I am a total Sims Addict. That is the only game I will play. Nothing else captures my interest. Of course everyone else in the family likes to play it too. I guess it's a good thing we have two computers;)
Thank you so much for those of you that wished my a Happy Birthday. Belated or not it made me feel better. I am just so happy to have Blogger Friends like you:)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Today is my birthday
I am 37 years old today. Some of you have wished me a happy one and I say thank you. For those of you that didn't know... it's ok. I wouldn't have expected you to know.
I would have expected something from the people that I would think care about me (family) to at least say "Happy Birthday" or What are you cooking for? Allow ME to make dinner tonight or why are you washing dishes? Let ME do it.. Enjoy your special day..
Didn't happen... I am hurt but not shocked.. I should have expected it and not let it get to me as it always does.
I would have expected something from the people that I would think care about me (family) to at least say "Happy Birthday" or What are you cooking for? Allow ME to make dinner tonight or why are you washing dishes? Let ME do it.. Enjoy your special day..
Didn't happen... I am hurt but not shocked.. I should have expected it and not let it get to me as it always does.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My son the GIMP
Jeff did something real stupid yesterday. He and another boy were wrestling on school grounds after school had already ended.
Jeff takes the SCAT bus (local transit here in Sarasota) and ultimately missed the bus because he could not walk to the bus stop. Why?
Well... while waiting to go the bus stop he injured himself while wrestling the other boy and sprained his ankle. Which means that I had to go pick him up. When I got there he was sitting under the pavillon where a local newstation was setting up cameras.. don't know what the were going to be filming but they were there nonetheless.
I parked my car walked over to Jeff. I helped him up and I took his backpack and he hopped to my car. I immediately took him home so his dad and I could check out the injury. His ankle on both sides was swollen but no brusing and he could move it a little. We had him all propped up in bed and alternated the heating pad and ice packs to bring the swelling down and pumped him full of Ibuprofen.
This morning the swelling went down significantly and he is able to put some pressure on his foot and limp. He now has an ace bandage on his ankle.
He still wanted to go into work but the only thing he would be able to do is strictly run the cash register. So.. he called to tell them that he injured himself and that he would still come in if they allowed him that one job. The asst. manager was appreciative that Jeff still wanted him to come in but that he should take it easy today and come in tomorrow. If he still can't do a lot of walking then he would do the register only. Sunday's are apparently the busier of the two days at the mall.
Jeff is liking the idea of being catered to... He is constantly calling my cell to ask for things. I don't mind becasue Jeff is rarely that dependant and he has been extremely healthy otherwise. He is the only one in the family that escaped the stomach virus that Katie brought home. Besides I feel needed with him. I don't normally feel needed or even wanted when it comes to my son. It must be the age. I know he loves me. I don't question that at all it's just the age where most parents are an embarrassment. I have done it with my parents.
Jeff takes the SCAT bus (local transit here in Sarasota) and ultimately missed the bus because he could not walk to the bus stop. Why?
Well... while waiting to go the bus stop he injured himself while wrestling the other boy and sprained his ankle. Which means that I had to go pick him up. When I got there he was sitting under the pavillon where a local newstation was setting up cameras.. don't know what the were going to be filming but they were there nonetheless.
I parked my car walked over to Jeff. I helped him up and I took his backpack and he hopped to my car. I immediately took him home so his dad and I could check out the injury. His ankle on both sides was swollen but no brusing and he could move it a little. We had him all propped up in bed and alternated the heating pad and ice packs to bring the swelling down and pumped him full of Ibuprofen.
This morning the swelling went down significantly and he is able to put some pressure on his foot and limp. He now has an ace bandage on his ankle.
He still wanted to go into work but the only thing he would be able to do is strictly run the cash register. So.. he called to tell them that he injured himself and that he would still come in if they allowed him that one job. The asst. manager was appreciative that Jeff still wanted him to come in but that he should take it easy today and come in tomorrow. If he still can't do a lot of walking then he would do the register only. Sunday's are apparently the busier of the two days at the mall.
Jeff is liking the idea of being catered to... He is constantly calling my cell to ask for things. I don't mind becasue Jeff is rarely that dependant and he has been extremely healthy otherwise. He is the only one in the family that escaped the stomach virus that Katie brought home. Besides I feel needed with him. I don't normally feel needed or even wanted when it comes to my son. It must be the age. I know he loves me. I don't question that at all it's just the age where most parents are an embarrassment. I have done it with my parents.
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