Friday, August 24, 2007

It's going to be one of those weekends...

And I am so not looking forward to it. After work today I have to start on the laundry and do as much as I can because the Verizon people will be here early tomorrow morning to put in the new fiber optic line for our phone, cable and internet. Not sure how long it takes but my guess is I will not be online until the evening. I have so much more to put up on Regal Boutique It's ridiculous! But I am determined to complete the site as fast as I possibly can.

Sunday we have to bug proof the house again for ticks. I hate those damn things... they are so hard to get rid of. They don't go after the dogs because we have them treated once a month, but they go after me and Katie big time! So we will take the dogs to the dog park for a few hours after Chris is done spraying the entire house! Come to find out that before we moved in the previous owners had an infestation problem and they never did anything about it. Stupid jerk offs! I wasn't sure what was eating me and Katie alive until I found one on her. Like I said the dogs weren't scratching because they are protected. Nasty parasites. EWWWWW!!!!!!

Britt starts her job training this Sunday 7:30-2pm and then she goes back on Thursday from 3pm - 9:30. She will work 30 hours a week until she turns 18 and then she goes full time. She only goes to her GED Class for 12 hours a week until she takes her GED test in September. We have researched her "career" choice via the wonderful web and found that there is no school anywhere in Florida where she can get the training she wants/needs. She is wanting to be a FX Artist for movies. The only option we have found so far is online courses. She will have to basically start out learning the ropes on her own and develop her own technique and keep a portfolio of all her work. I have suggested to her to start her own blog on her work alone and see what opportunities come her way. She has an eye for it, she just lacks the "artistic knowledge". I am wondering if there are any community colleges around that offer art classes? That is something else I have to research. hmmm....

Jeff is still having no luck securing a better job. He is finally going to the local grocery store where he knows he will get more hours and better pay. If he wants to be driving his own car his senior year he NEEDS a better paying job!
His boss now has him babysitting her son (ADD plus ADHD in other words a holy terror) until she can find someone else because her son was kicked out of the after school care his elementary school provides. The boy listens to Jeff because my son will not tolerate snotty kids:)

Ok... gotta go. Lots to do.


lattégirl said...

Ticks... ewwwwwwwwwwww~!

Humincat said...

Aren't you scared of disease? That's really scary/gross! I'm such a baby!

Mindy said...

Oh, I have feverishly checked any diseases that dog ticks could carry and found none reported in Florida. Lyme Disease is carried by deer ticks and what I have in my house are dog ticks. Left over from the wonderful previous owners. To date I have not seen the little stinkers since we sprayed on Sunday.