Sunday, October 28, 2007
All is quiet on the home front...
My parents came over early to give Britt her birthday card and to say goodbye. Britt spent a lot of her time during the day for the last month with her grandmother (Chris' mom). But Kenny and Britt did stop by to say their farewells one last time before hitting the road for 2 1/2 hours.
Now that Katie gets her room back we have lots of work to do. I now have an empty closet and dresser to fill back up with Katie's clothes. We are also going to bring down the desk that she has up in her room to accommodate the extra computer we have for the kids. Just not too sure where we are going to put it yet. Katie now has a cell phone. She is soooo happy about that. We really didn't have to show her too much as far as operating it. Kids learn fast these days. All we have to do is buy a protective case for it. Brittany anticipated that we would want the phone we got her back. She wouldn't need it because her boyfriend gave one of his spare phones so it would not cost him anything to talk to her and her friends could call her free because they all have the same carrier. Jeff got himself a new phone so now everyone is happy.
Sales is the key
We send our technicians out to a home or business at no charge so the tech can visually see and troubleshoot for the problem and what is the best way to handle the job at hand. We give the customer a guaranteed price in writing. We also on top of correcting their plumbing issue warranty our service a full year. I know there are not many companies that do that. The one thing that stands out with our company besides the great service and our educated technicians is if our customer does not like our price for any reason they can decline and they are not charged one penny.
Our technicians are trained not only as certified plumbers but they are also trained in selling the jobs we send them out on. We pride ourselves in our customer service, specially skilled technicians and the fact that we have been in business for over 27 years.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Quick stop
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Time to place your bets
When visiting online casinos I really do not have the first clue about what to look for. I do know that I want to participate in a reputable site but not sure what to look for in choosing a site that promises what it advertises. There is an online casino review site that provides players with detailed feedback on gaming experience, trust factor and what bonuses that these sites offer.
This is basically a online handbook for gamblers everywhere. Whether you are looking for the best payout online Casinos, Casinos with the best bonuses, or the highest jackpots, Pro360 is a good place to get started.
Also if you are a beginner gambler than take advantage of their beginners guide to online gambling and definitely take a look at their online gambling tips. I have spent some time at this site and I have to admit there is a ton of information for the beginner like me.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I need some advice....
I just do not have the slightest clue on how to get what I am deserved. I know the company has suffered losses financially but during that extreme time period they have hired more plumbing technicians that make double of what I am paid and they recently have fired one. I am not asking for the world but only what I have been promised. Please guys I need your input.
Friday, October 19, 2007
This little one is "Pooh Bear" She was four years old when this was taken the first month we moved back to Florida from Ohio. I moved to back to Ohio when I was almost 7 months pregnant because I wanted the doctor my sister had. He specialized in high risk pregnancies and I also moved back because the doctor I had in Sarasota would not listen to one word I said. I truly believe that if I had stayed here she would have born way too early. She was three weeks early to begin with and that was delayed because of the medication I was taking to prevent premature labor. I was bed ridden for the last two months and wasn't allowed out of bed at all except to use the bathroom.
Once I stopped taking the medicine to keep me from delivering her to soon, Katie decided to stay a little while longer:) She was 8 pounds 6 ounces. A full pound heavier than her brother. She was a whopping 23 inches long. She also carries the coloboma trait that her brother also shares. This is a condition which the iris is not fully developed. Instead of a circle for a pupil she has an oblong pupil. Many people have given that condition the name "Cat eyes" She sees fine although she is like me and is nearsighted. She has been wearing glasses since she was 5.
Katie looks like me and Chris. My mom calls it a perfect blend. Although her hair is definitely mine..haha... She is a girl all the way. Princess mixed with some drama queen. She loves all animals and loves to pick on her older siblings. She is daddy's girl. All she has to do is bat her eyes and daddy melts.

After we were done here we went to eat at one of Katie's favorite places, Cheeburger Cheeburger.This is a cool diner that brings back the memories from the 50's.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
I am looking forward to

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I should've stayed in bed
Monday, October 15, 2007
It's official... she is leaving
She is a very angry girl and she thinks she can do it own her own. The exception is that she will not be doing anything on her own. She has decided to move in with her boyfriend of 2 1/2 months. He still lives with his parents and they agreed to have her but she has to get a job.
She is going back to the city her mother lives in and that's 2 1/2 hours away. She doesn't have her drivers licence so I can really see this whole moving in with her boyfriend set up not lasting to long. He works and goes to pilot school so I highly doubt he will have time to cart her around looking for a job or giving her driving instructions.
Chris is disappointed and angry that she is doing this and there is nothing he can do to stop her once she turns 18. I am angry because I feel like we were just a pit stop until she turned 18 and all the plans that she wanted to do here was all bullshit. I really do not see her attending any college where she will be living because she can't drive herself anywhere. She is not one for taking buses because she was supposed to do that here for work and she had her grandma take her all the time. She has learned her manipulative behavior from her mother and the funny thing is she thinks she is nothing like her mother. So... I do not know if she will stay away permanently or if she will be coming back in 6 months or so. What I do know is if she does come back Chris will be laying down his rules and ruling with an iron fist. She will have to admit to him that she was wrong and only then will she be allowed back. We shall see.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I think I got my message across...
He felt overwhelmed taking two college level courses and was always tired and being only 16 he was starting to feel burned out. I told him that I would have no problem at all helping him out. Helping him to prepare for quizzes, tests and helping him overall in making sure he stays on track. He seemed to have a huge weight lifted off. I don't know why he thinks he has to do it all on his own and he never has asked for help. Why do guys not ask for help? I ask for help all the time ( doesn't mean I get it, but I will ask).
I constantly ask him 1) do you have homework and 2) do you need my help in studying? Now I think I have finally gotten the message burned into that thick skull of his.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I am going to kill that boy...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Feeling better.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Still home...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Place your bets here.
There have been many times I would have loved to visit Las Vegas just for the atmospheric experience but since I am not one for crowds and noisy places I fret to visit. I love the exhilarated feeling of winning at Blackjack, which is the only game I am decent at. I would love to try my hand at poker but I would probably lose my shirt and I am not talking about strip poker.
At Bet365 they offer many facets of the gaming experience. You can bet on just about any sport that is played in the world. Ranging from American Football to Crickets. They also feature casino games like you see in Las Vegas. They offer Poker for the enthusiast . There is also an interactive games section.
This service is offered world wide and accepts most forms of currency. All you need to do is set up an account that allows you to do many options for payment and retrieval of winnings.
Migraines and Diarrhea...
I also lurked in a few of my favorite blogs as well. Now it's time to go... literally.
Buy it for looks: Buy it for life.

I have seen many elegant faucets with not only the beauty but many, many styles to fit everyone’s taste. My technicians prefer to provide Moen faucets to their customers not only for the appearance but because Moen warranties their products for life. Our customers get style and peace of mind when they purchase their faucet.
Moen provides not only kitchen sink faucets but also: Lavatory(bathroom sink) faucets, tub and shower faucets, showerheads, kitchen sinks and more. So the next time you are inclined to remodel either your kitchen or bathroom keep in mind that Moen is the brand to go with.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Cool Meme
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet, current car)
Lady Alliance
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (favorite ice cream, favorite cookie)
Chocolate Peanut Butter Milano
3. YOUR FLY “GUY/GIRL” NAME: (first initial first name, first 3 letters last name)
M Ker
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Dog
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Jane Cleveland
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters last name, first 2 letters first name)
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink and add” the”)
The Mauve Pepsi
8. NASCAR NAME: (first names of your grandfathers)
Norman Henry
9. STRIPPER NAME: (favorite perfume, favorite candy)
Fire Twix
10. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s and father’s middle names)
Lee Franklin
Waiting for the house market to come down.
Now being that this will be our first house ever there are different mortgage home loans to consider. Chris’ parents have been very helpful in which direction would be most beneficial to us and I am sure speaking to a reliable but not an over zealous real estate agent would also prove to a good start as well. They have the knowledge when it comes to what type of mortgage would prove to be most beneficial.
Seriously looking at the market now and how the prices are falling at a snails pace I predict that we will not be actively looking until at least the end of the year but we still scan the papers and the net for that one specific home.
Show them your BOOBIES

Monday, October 1, 2007
85 Shopping days left until Christmas....
I personally like to shop from home. I am not wild about huge crowds and I do get annoyed easy when people are out and about and pushing, shoving or plain knocking you down to get at a certain item.
If you are the same then may I suggest checking out Regalo Boutique for your Christmas shopping pleasure. There are so many items to choose from and more added regularly.
Just a suggestion or a shameless plug on my part.