Monday, June 30, 2008
Spending time with friends...
Sebastian showed me a few tricks (cheats) for my Sims2 game. I knew a few but now. haha.. I own that game. Chris just rolls his eyes. It's better than being a WOW widow..haha... It's my only escape y'know. After all the housework and the cooking I too deserve a vice. Smoking just calms my stress but my Sims2 they keep me entertained.
Chris again struck gold with his cooking abilities and we stuffed ourselves silly with hamburgers, hot dogs and more. Don't get me wrong, I own the kitchen when it comes to cooking meals but when there is meat to be grilled, that's Chris' department.
I love having them over. The kids get to play and I actually have an adult to talk to. I would do it every weekend if she could stand it.
Dreams of remodeling
Every once in a while I fantasize about remodeling my home. I would love to update the kitchen and bathrooms with new Delta faucets. The ones that we have now are Delta but they are outdated. I have never had a problem with them. I just would like a newer style. I am weird that way, I guess.
We have three full baths. Although the only bathroom that has a shower only is downstairs. Apparently it used to be the laundry area but the previous owners moved the laundry area to one of the upstairs bedroom closets. I know, it's a dumb idea but it worked for them at the time I guess. I would love for the master bath to be a shower only. I am not one for baths unless it's in a huge whirlpool tub/spa deal.
I would love to be able to redo the wood floor also. The previous owner installed the floor himself and well…. It looks it. There is so much to do to our home that if I sit and really think about it, I always end up with a migraine. Someday, Chris and I will get to do what we want. I just hope we are not too old to enjoy it.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
YES! I have a week off from school...
Oh well.. I am happy all around. So I won't have classes again until next Wednesday the 2nd. Which will be Business Law and Interpersonal Skills. Those should be interesting. My books are due to arrive any day now. Can't wait to skim through them to see exactly what we will be doing.
So.. how am I going to celebrate my time off? Hmm... playing Sims, swimming, being absolutely lazy and not sure what else. I have been working on putting together fund raiser packets for Regalo Boutique to send out to the elementary schools in Sarasota County. Why not right? Chris and I have even discussed possibly getting involved in different flea markets this season. In Florida during Season the Flea Markets are booming. So we'll see.
Monday, June 23, 2008
And the winner is….
Lattegirl! Congratulations girl! Mr. Fab won 2nd prize. Each of you should have an email confirming your winnings and how to respond to receive your prize.
Although we didn't have the turnout we wanted, we will still hold another contest for our Fall Sale. So keep your eyes open for more information as it gets closer. I may try the same thing or go a completely different way.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
In Memoriam for the Puppy Monster

One year ago today a little angel was called home. Please keep NYC Dawg in your thoughts and prayers.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I tried. I really, really tried.
Are you serious? Two people voted. And you guessed it. One for each entry. So this means that I am going to have to decide on the winner. With Chris fast asleep and bless him thinking that maybe just maybe we would have gotten a decent amount of votes. He will be making the final decision. So... You will have to wait until this evening to find out. I so wanted this contest to be something of a big deal. Maybe even make it a quarterly event with each season. I don't know what it is that I need to do to make it worthwhile to you all. If you have any suggestions, I am all ears.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Oh wait a minute.
No more extensions... Today is the day.
I want to thank Kat, Mr. Fab and lattegirl for at least pimping me out. You do not know how much I really, really, really appreciated it. Although Kat didn't enter she still went all out.
So without further ado....
Vote for your favorite headliner.
Mr. Fab's entry:
Summer is in full swing and is chock full of June weddings, July celebrations, and August vacations. Summer is all about beauty, and beauty is what Regalo Boutique specializes in. When you want to give a gift that will be truly remembered and cherished, Regalo Boutique should be the first place you visit!
Lattegirl's entry:
“It’s spring – a time of renewal for body, soul, and home. Thinking of refreshing your décor, redecorating a room, or simply adding an unusual accent piece to house or garden? Does summer, just around the corner, hold the promise of leisurely evenings on the patio or in the yard?
Regalo Boutique is the ultimate online shop, with a wide selection of beautiful items: luxurious bath and body products, seasonal gift ideas (think Fourth of July – check out our Americana pages!), charming home accessories in our Shabby Elegance section, and an array of special objects that are perfect for gift-giving.... for him, for her, for pets, an upcoming vacation, a house-warming…
Regalo Boutique is constantly updating its stock, so check in often. And be sure to browse through our selection of classics and favourites. But most of all, stop by as of June 21st for our big summer sale!”
Monday, June 16, 2008
Last Extension for the Regalo Boutique Contest
I was really hoping for a high turnout of participants for the contest. To date only two have submitted their headliners. So… I am giving a three day extension. You have until Wednesday to submit your headliners and the voting will take place this Thursday with the deadline to vote for your favorite until 11:59 p.m. EST.
What you need to do:
Welcome to Regalo Boutique!
Spring is in the air and before you know it, it's summer time again. Here at Regalo Boutique we have a wide variety of items to refresh and invigorate your home for the season. Don't forget to do your early Mother's and Father's Day shopping from the convenience of your home with Regalo Boutique.
This is what is on our headliner now. All you need to do is come up with an idea for our summer sale which starts on June 21st. That's all folks. Really it is not the hard. Let me show you what the to the two entries so far have done.
Mr. Fabulous submitted this:
Summer is in full swing and is chock full of June weddings, July celebrations, and August vacations. Summer is all about beauty, and beauty is what Regalo Boutique specializes in. When you want to give a gift that will be truly remembered and cherished, Regalo Boutique should be the first place you visit!
Lattegirl submission:
"It's spring – a time of renewal for body, soul, and home. Thinking of refreshing your décor, redecorating a room, or simply adding an unusual accent piece to house or garden? Does summer, just around the corner, hold the promise of leisurely evenings on the patio or in the yard?
Regalo Boutique is the ultimate online shop, with a wide selection of beautiful items: luxurious bath and body products, seasonal gift ideas (think Fourth of July – check out our Americana pages!), charming home accessories in our Shabby Elegance section, and an array of special objects that are perfect for gift-giving.... for him, for her, for pets, an upcoming vacation, a house-warming…
Regalo Boutique is constantly updating its stock, so check in often. And be sure to browse through our selection of classics and favourites. But most of all, stop by as of June 21st for our big summer sale!"
Get the idea? So… hop to it and remember every participant receives this: Wooden Incense Box including the incense cones.
The Grand Prize: Will have their headliner used in the Summer Sale and will receive their choice of Regalo Boutique (RB) merchandise totaling $50.00.
First Runner Up: Their choice of R.B. merchandise totaling up to $35.00.
Second Runner Up: Their choice of R.B. merchandise totaling up to $20.00.
Easy Peasy People.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Why do I blog?
You may have noticed that I have been absent for awhile. I was extremely busy trying to get a project for school done that didn't work out so well. I still can't get it right. I have decided to work that out when I am not so damn frustrated.
I have been reading a lot of blogs but I have not been in the mood to comment. I have lurked and I feel bad about it but when I feel I don't have anything to say, I don't. There is some drama out in the blogosphere and I don't know exactly how I feel about it and therefore have not commented one way or another. Some of you may know and some may not. It's not important. But it did get me to think about why I blog.
I guess I don't do enough of it to know what kind of direction or how much of myself I want to share because, let's face it, blogging can be a scary place. I have seen stalker situations. I have seen total chaos happen over one's opinion. And frankly that silences me to not share so much of myself. I would love not to care of what others think of me, but I do. I am a human being that craves attention. There I said at least that.
My family is extremely important to me and although I want to shout from the roof tops how proud of them I am, I don't. It's the protective lioness side of me that wants to shelter them from the blogosphere. Yes, I have shared some but not a lot. I try to be very particular in what I say regarding my family.
I read many styles of blogs. Humorous ones, open and forefront, ones of struggles, you name it. But, I am not sure what kind of things I want to appear on my own. Sometimes I just don't know what to say. I have a lot of searching to do and it won't happen overnight. I may or may not post anything tomorrow. It will all depend on my mood.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
It’s time to play Catch Up.
The weekend went by without any major problems. I spent most of my time trying to freaking understand FACTORING in algebra enough to adequately pass the quiz and test. I am getting a 91% so far in the class and there are two assignments that the Professor still has to grade so maybe it will bring my grade up a little. Algebra sucks donkey balls for me and I can't wait until it's over. Three more weeks to go.
Chris arrived an hour later than he was supposed to on Monday. The plane in Atlanta had some major mechanical problems and they decided to have all the passengers switch to another plane. Needless to say he was one tired man when we got home from the airport. The weekend with his daughter went fairly well. A lot better than he expected anyway. He anticipated them not even showing up but they did and that is a good start. I haven't gone into details but his daughter hasn't seen Chris since she was maybe a year old? Long story on why it went down that way and it is in the past. What is important is that they are working on establishing a relationship now that will hopefully last for years to come.
On Monday morning I picked up Kat and took her to her doctor's appt. I feel so bad for her. The pain is so apparent in her face alone. Chris took her to the ER on Tuesday night because the meds that her doctor gave her were not cutting it and after several hours at the ER, they were even clueless as to what was causing her pain. She has a post up about it. She can explain it much better than I could. After all she knows her body more than anyone. On Wednesday, We went back to her doctors and he gave her a different prescription. He also told her to see her surgeon as soon as possible. She has an appointment on Friday the 13th. I will be taking her to that one in Tampa. I don't mind doing it at all. She needs to know what is going on.
This morning I woke up to Aunt Flo visiting way to fucking early. Why is it that I can't estimate when she is coming anymore? She is two fucking weeks early. I know many of you are probably thinking I should be grateful that I am not pregnant and be happy she comes, but I wouldn't get pregnant, seeing as both my tubes are cut, seared and banded. It has been that way for 7 years now. No way on God's green earth is this chick getting pregnant. I hate Aunt Flo because of all the pain and suffering she causes me. I am only 37 years young and already I have been pushed into Pre menopause. I have been suffering through hot flashes, fatigue and weight gain for over 5 years now. Enough is enough. I want to be either full blown menopausal or done with it already! No more of this maybe or maybe not crap. Can you tell that I am moody?
Tomorrow Katie wants to go to the beach. Nothing like a beached whale at a beach eh? But since I promised her yesterday before the whole Aunt Flo issue, we are going. Hey I don't have to look good for anyone and Chris thinks I am sexy, although I think he looks through Stained rose glassed windows to see that but I am not going to argueJ
Ok… I have bended your ears for long enough. I have some housework to do and then it's off to prepare tonight's dinner. Kat and her boys are joining us for steaks, baked potatoes, salad and rolls. Not sure what I want for desert but something tells me it is going to be anything chocolateJ