Monday, January 26, 2009
This weekend was a complete blur!
We took Jeff, Katie, Mark and Sebastian (Kat's boys) bowling in the early afternoon. One of the guest that Jeff had counted on was not allowed to come at the last freaking minute. But fun was had and I am glad that everyone enjoyed themselves. After bowling I picked up Kat and Chris picked up another of Jeff's friends. I had to run to the Sweetbay to pick up the cake and candles. I wanted the trick candles but they didn't have them. Guests started to arrive and before I knew it my house was packed like a sardine can.
The kids occupied their time playing Wii. From Rock Bank 2 to Mario Kart. The adults mingled back and forth. I am pretty sure that everyone enjoyed themselves.
There were four generations of my family under one roof. I think it would be neat if my grandparents lived long enough to see their great-great grandchild. Of course that would fall on the shoulders of Jeff and I hope to heck that he doesn't father a child in the near future. LOL!!! But it could happen. When Jeff was born my great grandmother was still alive. She didn't pass away until Jeff was seven years old. So it is cool to have a picture of the five generations all together.
Jeff made out well in the gift department. Mostly money but hey you can never have too much of that to begin with. We asked him what he was going to do with his birthday money. He wants to save most of it and then buy some accessories for the scooter we plan on buying for him and luggage for college.
I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished. I know he has a good head on his shoulders and he has grown into a responsible man. I just can't believe that tomorrow my baby will be a MAN! Nobody warned me that my heart would be ripped from my chest when my baby grows up. Now I will have to suffer through all this again when Katie turns 18 in 9 years!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I have been interviewed!
Amy from Amy's Musings had asked if anyone wanted to be interviewed. I thought it would be fun so I signed up. Amy asked some pretty in depth questions and I enjoyed answering them.
Businesses, kids, husband, life, etc. are you happy and if so, what is your philosophy for being happy?
The place I am right now in my life, I would say that yes I am happy. There are ups and downs but I think when you have a strong family connection it makes it so much easier to get through the rough patches. I don't really have a philosophy other than what Chris' is always spouting off at me when I do get overwhelmed and it always calms me. "Do not worry about today for tomorrow has its own worries".
I notice that one of your businesses is a green friendly cleaning service, is your home green friendly? What do you and your family do in terms of the environment? What simple advice would you give for someone who was just starting out trying to go green friendly?
- Definitely! The products that I use in my business are used in my own home.
- We are very anal about recycling. My daughter especially.
- Baby steps are best when you are looking to change the way you have lived for some many years. Start with ridding your house of all harsh chemicals and look for ones that are safe enough that you do not have to store away from children. They do exist. Humans are creatures of habit and it takes at least seven days to break an old habit and create a new one. Start small and eventually the bigger changes are not so big after all.
Any tips on cleaning grout and getting the stains actually OUT of the grout?
There is only one product that I know of that actually works great on grout. Sol-U-Mel. Depending on the grime factor, this product works wonders. I have sprayed this on tile and walked away for five minutes and when I come back most of the cleaning work is done. On heavier soiled areas a little elbow grease is used. To maintain the clean grout you must wiped down your shower after every use. Saves time in the long run of having to clean the shower all the time! Another factor to consider is whether or not the grout was sealed upon installment of the tile. If it was sealed the dirt is all surface dirt and would take little effort to clean. However, if the it was not sealed, this is where you have the long intensive labor of trying to get it cleaned like the day it was first laid. I have heard that baking soda in a paste form can improve the look of grout but not exactly clean it.
Describe your "perfect" day...
My perfect day is one of uninterrupted reading of any book of my choosing. Seriously, if I am left alone I can finish a book in one day!
Ok, you go out to a bar for drinks, what is the first drink you order?
Easy peasy! My favorite is an Alabama Slammer. I love those! Fruit punch with no alcoholic taste and before you know it I am feeling no pain!
If you would like to be interviewed just leave me a comment!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Definitely not an A list blogger....
I am getting the house ready for company this Saturday. Jeff is having his 18th birthday party here at the house with family and friends. Although the house is not dirty it is most definitely cluttered. There are still pictures to be hung and a few boxes to be emptied and discarded. Chris and I cleaned and straightened the garage and now I am just going through everything to find out whether or not it is worthy to keep. So I have been extremely busy trying to get the house all nice and perfect before Saturday.
It's a little inconvenient cleaning other homes while I am trying to get things in order at my own, but hey... that's my choosing right? I have to say that with all the hustling around I am doing I am disappointed with my weight. I am much more active now than I have have been in over 6 months and there is no change in my diet. But I am not losing any weight at all. In fact I have consistently been gaining over the last several months. That is freaking ridiculous. I am really thinking of trying a diet pill like Leptovox but not sure I want to commit to something that may not work for me. How can someone at the age of 38 with a moderate exercise level and eating three meals a day lose weight without going on any fad diets or starvation (which really doesn't help anyway)? I know my metabolism is getting a boost when I clean because I sweat a great deal and my heart is pumping like a fiend. I am at a loss here. And the energy level? Nope not there. I force myself to get things done otherwise I would much rather sleep. I feel exhausted all the time. I don't think that's right.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cold weather and joints falling apart!
Oil + baths = practically no hair!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Explain yourself ABC Distributing....
Chris and I have our own online company that specifically tells you the shipping amount when you place your order. Our items are shipped UPS all of the time. Typically it is based on region and then weight. You should never pay more than 18% of your purchase price for shipping PERIOD. So Kat's order came to $146.04. Add approximately 18% and you will have roughly $26.29 for shipping. What they charged was close to 98% of the purchase price. Can you say FRAUD? Also because it has been shipped from Illinois to Florida and it is crossing state lines it has now turned into a FEDERAL FELONY!!!!!
Kat did not know the amount of the shipping at the time of checkout because their site claims that "Shipping charges will be billed at the time of shipping and will depend on the weight, size and destinations of shipments. Shipping charges are calculated using UPS standard published rates, even though we may use other carriers to deliver your order. The shipping charge also will include the cost of any surcharges or insurance that may be imposed by the carrier."
I see a huge problem here folks. You can't tell me that this company would have absolutely no idea what the shipping charges would be seeing as they use UPS rates. It's not rocket science! Another thing to consider.... surcharges or insurance? UPS has flat rates! They do not charge extra for such things.
The next time anyone orders anything from online... make sure you know the shipping and if they try to give some song and dance about notifying you later? Cancel the order!
Meme Time

Now that is a flashback!
Katie is about 7 months I think. Jeff is 9 and I look so young here. Damn what happened? Haha!!! This was taken on Easter Day at my grandmother's house.
If you want to participate, please do. I won't pressure anyone by calling you out! LOL!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Twenty days and counting.... well sort of....
Chris and Jeff have butt heads a lot in the past but even now, their relationship has grown. They get along better than ever and the way they communicate now is truly amazing. There is a respect between them. Even the way Jeff is around Katie is far better than it has ever been and there wasn't really a lot of tension there to begin with. Jeff is more patient with her and takes the time to teach her different things. Last night they stood outside for about 10 minutes just looking up at the sky. Jeff was showing Katie Orion's Belt and also showed her how to identify certain constellations and even pointed out Venus to her. Their conversation seemed to advance to a new level and not one of big brother, little brat tone. I am proud of him on so many levels but I am loathing the letting him go syndrome. I am going to be a wreck. Just sayin....
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Farewell O Christmas tree.
Well… our Christmas tree did not survive the cats. The poor thing gave up the ghost as we were taking it down. I guess it is a good thing we bought another one shortly after Christmas.
I can't say that we had it nicely decorated either. The lights pretty much stayed on but the ornaments were like toys to those two! Every time one of the cats batted an ornament out of the tree one of the dogs fetched it and brought it back to them. I think they had a conspiracy going on between the four of them.
There has been a lot of revamping going on at my house. Trying to put things where the cats can't go or get to anything of real value. Chris has been looking at tv lifts so that our tv is out of their way unless we are watching it. I honestly don't think it would stop the dueling twosome but Chris thinks it would help. When I sit at my computer, Cuddles will jump on the back of my chair and use me as a stepping stone to get onto my desk. When I tell her no and pick her up and set her on the floor she just gives me this look that seems to say that I had absolutely no right to do that! On top of that the dogs have started to defend their counterparts. If I go to scold one of the cats for knocking something off a counter the dogs will start whining at me like I am in the wrong! Although, they are amusing little stinkers, like when they hide out of site and wait for their prey playmates to come around the corner so they can surprise them.
This is my Iron Eagle!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
This is not the way to bring in the New Year!