Katie has informed her dad and I that she is old enough for chores and the pay that comes along with it. So we started her out with keeping her room clean which includes making her bed every morning, setting and clearing the dinner dishes, getting her clothes ready for laundry and of course helping Jeff with feeding the dogs. Along with extras as they come along. We agreed that $5.oo a week would be a good start for her to save for the things she wants and at 7 years old that is pretty much everything she sees.
Katie has been saving pennies for almost two years now because she wants her own cell phone. She approached her daddy two years ago and told him she was ready for a cell phone. He told her that she would have to save her pennies to be able to buy one herself. She took that literally to heart and I am not about to tell her that she has more than enough to buy one right now. That girl has about 10 spaghetti jars filled to the rim with pennies. I estimate about $20.oo dollars a jar. She has never once wanted to cash in her collection which I am pleased with but on the other hand why should she spend her own money when all she has to do is bat her eyes at daddy and she gets what she wants. I swear when she is a teenager she is going to be set for life.
Wow, all those jars? Good for her!
Currently she is working on number 11 and she has a little less than halfway to go.
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