Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Perks of Cleaning...

One of the reasons that I started my own house cleaning business was because I like to meet new people. I have met some very interesting people and some way out there people too.
One of my clients will be leaving to go back home to New York in a few weeks. She only rented a condo for three months but because of the cold spell that Florida had she would rather be home. She is smart and funny and unique. But man can she talk. I think in a few short weeks that I have been cleaning for her, I have heard her life story.
Not that I am complaining, it actually is nice that she feels comfortable enough with me just to chat and shoot the breeze.
I am not sure exactly how old she is. I am guessing at least mid seventies although she doesn't look it and she is fairly active and she is not in short supply of an hgh releaser. She can keep up with the best of them. What makes me laugh hard is when she will actually pick up some of my cleaning products and start to use them herself and try to clean right along with me. She doesn't even realize that she is doing it until I point it out to her.
She is one of the few that I will miss greatly. She has already invited my me and my family to come stay in Hampton's with her and I really think she is being serious. She has given me her phone number and address in New York and she tells me that she will hound me until I actually say yes. I think I might have to take her up on her offer.

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