Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not sure what to do about this....

Last Friday, my husband's boss ( known from here on out as Mr. Incompetent Or Mr. I, because he can't manage his own damn company) gave the few men that work for him an extremely low blow.

He could not afford to pay them for the previous week and he asked for understanding because he needs to settle with the creditor's first. He also asked the guys to take some time off while he gets some work done himself so he can settle with the owner's and get paid for the completed jobs. Although a few of the guys including my husband have been working here and there for the man but they are keeping track of their hours and per Mr, I. he will catch up with them later.

My husband, however, was paid because he gets his check directly deposited. His boss did tell Chris that the payroll company may try and take back the money. So... Chris moved the money to a different account just so that wouldn't happen. I am no expert, but I don't think payroll companies can do that. I think they would just go after Mr. I. for the money. After all he is the one that owes them not Chris.

Chris has also been working on proposals for Mr. I. for new jobs and he has been putting in some hours to sort of help him out, hoping that it will be a positive thing in the long run.
I am very skeptical of this whole thing. I think maybe that is the reason why I couldn't sleep last night. I am stressed out to the max. I am even thinking of looking through the web directory for a good lawyer because I don't think this is going to end well at all.

I am positive that it is against the law to not pay your employees. Mr. I. anticipates only two weeks of working without pay (for the moment) but I told Chris that if he does not receive a paycheck (direct deposit or not) by next Friday, I am going to do something. Mr. I. also owes my husband for mileage and expenses related to the job. Well over two hundred dollars worth. I think this is very poor business practice. Yes, he is a nice guy but nice guy or not you do not do that to your employees. It is a good thing I am bringing in some money, otherwise I don't know what we would do right now. It's not like there are jobs waiting to be filled.

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