Sunday, November 18, 2007

Damn has it been that long...

Why don't you people email me to remind me that I haven't posted since Tuesday? Geez... I need reminders all the time. The week goes by so fast and before I know it I am starting a whole new week. Sorry it's been awhile. School has taken priority and by the way it's going I have to start planning my week in advance and I mean to the minute. Otherwise I should just crawl in a hole and cower till the earth explodes.


lattégirl said...

Sometimes I go four days without posting... no big deal :)

Glad you're busy, just hope you aren't being overly busy helping OTHER people do things they could do for themselves...!

The Ferryman said...

I don't think the earth is going to explode for a while.

Have you gotten that raise yet?

Humincat said...

Wow! You might be cowering for a long time...maybe you should lay on your left side, it's better for respiration I hear. And hey, your a wife to one, mom to many, and personal slave to lots, so of course somedays you aren't going to be able to blog, we get it. We will wait.

Mindy said...

Lattegirl - My family has actually started to help out. Not without grumbling of course but nevertheless they are taking some burden off of me:)

Mr. Fab - It's funny you should mention my raise..I will post a follow up on that later today:)

Humincat - Mom to many is right! That also includes the adult guy I live with:) Of course he is a bigger child then my kids are!