This is my friend, Kat. She has been a blogger for more than ten years now. She is more importantly a single mom to two very cool teenage boys, Mark and Sebastian.
Kat was born with many congenital defects. One of which was severe scoliosis which she had surgery to correct back in 2006. She is having surgery tomorrow morning that will stop the vertebrae in her neck from closing in more on her spinal cord. This surgery is NOT optional. Either she has it or she will die in less than 2 months. This decision was a no brainer for Kat even though it will take away 90 percent of the mobility of her neck and shoulders.
She will be completely fused from the base of her skull all the down to her tailbone after the surgery is complete. Can you imagine that?
The purpose of this post is to drum up support for Kat and her boys while she is recuperating. On the sidebars of her blogs she does have a PayPal donate button. It's set up so that whatever amount is donated to her it will go directly into her PayPal account. I know that this is a hard time for many due to the economy but please if you can show your support. You may also spread the news around and let others know that a fellow blogger needs our help.
My goodness. I wish her the very best of luck!
If she's unable to post updates, I hope you will.
I hope you'll update and let us know how her surgery went... I read her blogs and would like to know how the surgery went... Thanks
Mindy, do you have any idea of how it all went? I hope it all went off without a hitch; I have been so worried about her.
Thank you for being there and doing what you can for Kat and the boys. She's very lucky to have a friend like you who is nearby and can help out.
Hey Mindy!!!
How is Kat doing?
Sybil Law - Thank you for the well wishes
Avitable - Kat plans on using Twitter? to keep everyone informed. I will post on yesterdays events now
Draven and Heather - The surgery was a success!!!!
Christine - If it were the other way around I know she would do the same. It's a no brainer :)
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