Katie is having her first sleep over away from home tonight. She will be camping out at the training center for Girl Scouts with her troop leaders and fellow brownies. This is something they do to prepare the girls for camping trips. Aside from sleeping at grandma and pop pop's and Nana and Papa's house, Katie has never been away from home. I am sure she will enjoy herself and I am certain she will stay the whole night. We will pick her up tomorrow morning at 8:30. Her daddy is the nervous one and will probably be there around 7:30 just to make sure he is one of the first parents there. I am really not that nervous, I trust the troop leaders as their daughters are in Katie's troop. Katie will have a blast and by tomorrow morning we will be getting an earful of all the things they did the night before. I just hope I get some sleep tonight. When Chris is restless he moves around like a stinkin' typewriter. haha....
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