Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So much info, my brain cannot take it.

The meeting at Katie's school lasted about an hour and by the time we left my head was reeling.

Katie scored average in the IQ section but the other test that they gave her she fell way below the standard. They have determined that her long term memory is an area of concern. This is why she does not retain anything she has learned in the past. With our consent she has started special individual classes. She is not being taken out of her class entirely just 45 minutes a day. Our hopes is to retrain her way of processing the information she receives. Of course she will get reinforcement at home as well. We have talked to the teens to let them know that Katie's "annoying" behavior is justified and that we will not tolerated them down talking to her like they have tried to do in the past. Our house is a zero policy for bullshit.

Although I do not like the fact that Katie is being labeled with a learning disability I have resigned to the fact that she has it and it can be corrected. Her ears may have played a part in the beginning but her speech and language skills are where they should be. Her "lost in translation" or processing skills are the problem. I am confident that once Katie learns in the way that is best for her she will take of running at the gate once the light bulb goes on.

My mother and I attended the College Night Seminar last night. We got a few brochures from schools specializing in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. I have yet to sit down with Jeff to look them over. We intended to do that tonight but we will have to wait until my mom, Katie and Jeff to get back from mid week service at the church.

Off to relax, I hope.

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