Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.

We have begun our Christmas shopping.  We will not be spending a lot but there are few things that the kids asked for that I think we can swing.  Katie was given a Nintendo DSi for her birthday along with two games.  Katie absolutely adores any Sims game.  She has one for her Nintendo DSi and she plays it every chance she gets. 

While Chris and I were browsing through the electronics department, we looked at all the games that are available for her system.  They have Sims 3 for the DSi but I am not sure if it will be like the computer version or not.  I know that Sims 3 is available for the Wii and I think I would rather get that for her and some other games for the DSi. 

Both kids want games for Christmas and I am thinking about adding to their movie collection but I really want to get them that one big gift.  Jeff's will most likely be something useful.  Maybe some accessories for his Scooter and Katie is wanting in the worst way an American Girl Doll.  Those things are expensive but I remember when my parents bought my little sister an original Cabbage Patch Doll. That was about $100.00 and the American Girl Doll is roughly the same price.  If I could find it cheaper that would be a bonus.  But I doubt it.


jen said...

American Girl Doll brings backlog so many memories. Heather still has Molly in a box under her bed:) . We are cutting way back this Christmas, I think many of us will.

Mindy said...

Jen: No doubt that this Christmas will be a penny pinching one. If it wasn't for gift cards and a little extra work, I am not sure how we could afford anything this Christmas